Amazing Benefits of Honey

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 |

Amazing Benefits of Honey

The 3 key health benefits of honey are related to the fact that:
1. Honey is nature's energy booster 
2. Honey is a great immunity system builder 
3. Honey is a natural remedy for many ailments 

Honey is also a prosperous starting place of carbohydrates, providing 17 grams per tablespoon, which makes it archetype for your operational muscles since carbohydrates are the core fuel the body uses for energy. Carbohydrates are necessary in the diet to help take care of muscle glycogen, also known as stored carbohydrates, which are the most critical fuel starting place for athletes to help them keep going. Whether you’re looking for an energy boost or simply a thoughtful reward after a long workout, honey is a quick, easy, and delicious all-natural energy source!

Honey as an Athletic Aid

Pre-exercise::  For years, sports nutritionists have suggested intake carbohydrates before an athletic activity for an supplementary energy boost. As with many carbohydrates, untainted honey may be an real model to eat recently past to exercise, When honey is eaten before a workout or athletic activity, it is released into the system at a steady rate throughout the event

Post-exercise:: An optimal recovery plan is critical for any athlete. Research shows that ingesting a mishmash of carbohydrates and protein the instant next exercise (within 30 minutes) is model to restock and fall delayed-onset muscle soreness. Therefore, honey is a exalted supplier of carbohydrate to association with post-workout protein supplements.  In count to promoting muscle recuperation and glycogen restoration, carb-protein combinations sustain good blood baby concentrations after training

.NET ShortCut Keys

Friday, May 25, 2012 |

.NET ShortCut Keys

Ctrl + N Opens the New Project Dialogue Box
Ctrl + Shift + O Opens the Open File Dialog Box
Ctrl + Shift + A Opens Add New Item window Ctrl + D Opens Add Existing Item window Ctrl + S Saves Current Form Ctrl + Shift + S Saves everything from Application Alt + Q Exits Visual Studio. NET Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo Ctrl + X Cuts your selection Ctrl + C Copies your selection Ctrl + V Pastes your selection Ctrl + A Selects All Del Deletes your selection Ctrl + F Opens Find window Ctrl + H Opens Find and Replace window Ctrl + Shift + H Opens Replace in Files window Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 Opens Find Symbol window F7 Opens Code Designer window Shift + F7 Gets you back to Design View Ctrl + R Opens the Solution Explorer window Ctrl + Alt + S Opens the Server Explorer window Ctrl + Shift + C Opens the Class View window F4 Opens the Properties window Ctrl + Shift + E Opens the Resource view window Ctrl + Alt + X Opens the Toolbar window Shift + Alt + Enter Takes you to Full Screen View Alt+F8 Opens Macro Explorer window F2 Opens Object Browser window Ctrl + Alt + T Opens Document Outline window Ctrl + Alt + K Opens Task List window Ctrl + Alt + A Opens Command window Ctrl + Alt + O Opens Output window Ctrl + Alt + Y Opens Find Symbol Results window Ctrl + Alt + F Lists Items under the Favorites Menu in your Internet Explorer Ctrl + Shift + B Builds your project F5 Runs your Application Ctrl + F5 Runs your Application without Debugging Ctrl + Alt + E Opens the Exceptions Dialog Box F8 Used while Debugging Applications Shift + F8 Used While Debugging Applications Ctrl + B Inserts a New Breakpoint Ctrl + Shift + F9 Clears All Breakpoints Ctrl + Alt + P Opens the Processes Dialog box Ctrl + T Opens Customize Toolbox window Ctrl + Shift + P Runs Temporary Macro Ctrl + Shift + R Records Temporary Macro Alt + F11 Opens Macros IDE Ctrl + F1 Opens Dynamic Help window Ctrl +Alt + F1 Opens Help window sorted by Contents Ctrl + Alt + F2 Opens Help window sorted by Index Ctrl + Alt + F3 Opens Help Search window Shift + Alt + F2 Opens Index Results window Shift + Alt + F3 Opens Search Results window Ctrl + K +C Comment out the current selected section Ctrl + K +U Uncomment the current selected section